30 October 2009

Traditional Egg Holder

This is my first attempt to try shooting in Black and White .
The contrast of black and white in photograhy was totally not bringing out in these shots.
So , I consider this first try is a failure !

19 October 2009

Another Sunset

I just can't help myself shooting sunset again .
We should treasure the beauty of nature.
The evening sun helps to spread the orange-like backdrop here , Ipoh , Malaysia .

13 October 2009


顾名思义,文冬口的鱼丸酿料( stuffed fish meat ),当然应该是在怡保的文冬区。
它最出名的不是鱼丸酿料,却是牛腩粉( beef stomach noodle)。

打着“谢兄弟酿料牛腩粉”招牌,还上过报纸呢 !

汤头香甜无比的白萝卜牛腩粉( Beef stomach cooked with white radish ),吃完后,好想再来一碗 !

脆口的炸豆腐皮( Fried tofu sheets) ,现炸现吃,肯定香脆 !
没有拍到面条的照片,只因顾着吃,忘了替它拍照 !

6 October 2009


星期天的午餐 :咖哩汁猪肠粉(Curry chee cheong fun , a type of rice flat noodle ) + 猪皮咖哩 ( curry pork skin ) + 豆腐皮(fried dry beancurd sheets) + 烧肉 (roast pork ) + 黑色的海苔(紫菜)。

怎么会有这种吃法啊 ?

当然有啊,只要你喜欢就可以啦 !

后来又没有拉肚子 ?当然没有啦 ,Betty 还吃得津津有味呢 !

1 October 2009

窗 - The Windows

Blue Pea flower (或称为Clitoria flower的蓝色Bunga Telang。